Green Heritage prides itself on having the right people for every job. We engage with a wide network of industry professionals to make sure we are giving the best advice to our clients. 

Green heritage

barry green ma - executive director

Barry is a professional archaeologist, heritage consultant and cultural heritage advisor with over tweleve years industry experience in Australia and Europe. His experience covers heritage and archaeological compliance on large and small scale rural and urban projects for the private and public sector. Barry holds a BA (Hons) and MA in history and archaeology from Trinity College Dublin.

Barry is a qualified historical archaeologist, heritage consultant and historian under Heritage Victoria's consultant qualifications and experience criteria, a registered cultural heritage advisor with Aboriginal Victoria (AV) and an accredited professional historian through the Professional Historians Association (Vic). His is an elected fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute and a member of the City of Port Phillip Cultural Heritage Reference Committee and Built Heritage Sub-committee

Alana Doyle - executive director

Alana is a professional archaeologist and historical researcher with ten years post graduate experience in heritage management. Alana is highly experienced in all aspects of Victorian archaeology and cultural heritage compliance from Aboriginal and historical archaeology to historical research. Alana holds a BA in history and archaeology from the University of Melbourne. 

Our associates 

Our associates are experts in their fields and enable Green Heritage to produce the high quality outputs and services that are required by our clients.